ABOUT Murtaza Badri

Helping Ambitious Individuals Build A Life & Business They Want Without Compromising Their Happiness, Health & Identity!

My mission is to support individuals find a purpose in life and align their actions to becoming the highest possible being that he/she would love to become. I believes that every person has the power to be, have & do whatever his/her heart desires. The only gap is a lack of imagination and a belief that he cannot.

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Hi, when I was in my teenage...

I always questioned people when they told me what to do, what to think, how to behave. I thought why I should live my life based on the environment and people around me. I observed that people, who were broke, frustrated with life, struggling and living a mediocre life were advising me on how I should live my life and that was not working for me.

So I began my journey into my personal transformation from being destined to a future which was already created for me by others to a dream that I dreamt of without any limitations of my past or my present.

Badri’s Life Transformation Academy is created for those who want to live life on your terms, who want to dream and see that dream come to life. I have gone through it, struggled, learnt and have succeeded, and I wish the same for you. I have put all my learning into a simple, structured & learnable format which anyone can learn and apply to achieve his/her dream.

I invite you to join us and experience the feeling of being Alive & Fearless in the pursuit of a life which you are capable of achieving.

- Murtaza

Murtaza Badri

Life & Business Coach
Founder, Badri’s Life Transformation Academy Pvt.Ltd

A peak performance strategist, relationship expert and a Life Transformational speaker, Murtaza has impacted well over hundred thousand lives from different backgrounds, age groups, cultures around the world.

He delivers fresh and transformational content in his “Alive & Fearless” programs via the power of Internet, Seminar’s, Coaching programs & Mastermind groups.

He aims to empower people to go beyond what they think they can do, to what they are actually capable of doing, TODAY!

Trained by internationally renowned names like Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Brendon Burchard, Dr.Wayne Dyre, T.Harv Eker, Dr.Daniel Amen to name a few.
Certified Fire-walk Instructor from (FIRE) Fire Institute of Research and Education, Dallas, USA.
Certified NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapy practitioner and a Hypnosis Therapy Practitioner from ANLP, UK
Certified Facilitator and Trainer from Carlton Advance Management Institute, USA

A strong community of over 75,000 followers across all social media platforms.

People from more than 99 countries across the globe have benefited from his life transformational videos on YouTube Channel with over 3 Million views.

Corporate Workforce Training Programs

Businesses don’t succeed; it’s the team behind the business that makes it successful.

Alive & Fearless Workforce offers an experiential learning into one's ability to demand more from self and experience the joy of finding passion, purpose and meaning at the workplace. This brings out the energy and emotions required to be a high performer and the learning and pro-activeness to be a star achiever.


You can have
whatever you want
Only if you do
what needs to be done
after being
who you are born To Be.

© 2024 Badri's Life Transformation Academy Pvt. Ltd.


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